On one summer evening our loyal & beloved customer, Kristel, notified us that she got the invitation to one of the greatest royal receptions, taking place in autumn of 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden. As Kristel recalls later on: “Since the very second I got the invitation to visit the Swedish royal reception, there was not even a tiny doubt, that the important task of my special dress for royal visit I will deliver to Mariliis, the creative director of Marimo Fashion, as with all my most important events I always visit them in her creations!".
The royal reception has a thick list of strict rules to be obeyed in regards to the dress code. One of the most important ones is that the dress has to be decent in accordance to the rules and high standards of the royal etiquette “.
We have to admit it was a challenge for the whole Marimo team but we do really love challenges as we realise only this way we can develop our skills & mastery even more and bring it to the next level!
Process of creation by our creative director, Mariliis
Thank you Kristel for the trust! You looked really stunning in that pale lilac silk dress!
We value that a lot!
Mariliis / Founder and creative director

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