Signature style is a reflection of your personality and evolves in time, just as you do. It’s a creative and personal journey and I thought it would be interesting to share how I have expressed myself through fashion. As a woman, I’ve gone through different styles over the years. For the younger me finding my own style was an exciting journey of self-discovery. It still is an ongoing process because life is constantly changing.
I started to sew garments for myself when I was 10-11 years old. At first, I didn’t have too many skills and the pieces I made were not too detailed. The more I learned, the more I experimented with different technologies, cuts, and details until the day when I was sewing all the garments myself. As a teenager, my style evolved from simple “girl next door” style to heavy rock or sometimes even punk style.
I wore different pieces from dark pants with woven black hem styled with a pastel pink shirt and knitted cuffs to all black outfit with pants with ribbons around the knees styled with a black turtleneck jumper to punk rock plaid pleated mini skirt styled with one sleeve black top. Accessories, tights, and footwear played an important role - spike leather necklace, spike leather bracelet, knee length combat boots, fishnet tights, you name it. My favorite color for years was black, mostly styled with a red or red and white combo.
When I started university studies, my style started to soften. Slowly, I started to wear more colors and incorporate classical pieces into my wardrobe but everything still had to have its own character. For example, I designed a classical cut ivory A-line cocktail dress but added a very special braided black collar and black belt to it. A yellow straight cut fitted dress with a big collar and black belt with little spikes and a golden buckle in the shape of a rat, or a pink minidress with statement sleeves and black necklace detail. I’d say the added rock style inspired details to my classical pieces - as I was making all the garments myself, it was easy to mix different styles.
Over the years, I’ve become more minimal and classical but still love the power of details and accessories. I’d say I’ve come from rock to royal, but haven’t abandoned my individuality. I like to incorporate elements from my unique style into classy and minimal looks making them my own. The key for me is to achieve a balance that exudes elegance and sophistication while staying true to myself.
My husband loves to say that as a designer it’s a great bonus that I’ve tried all the different styles and I couldn’t agree more. Experimenting with different styles, you’ll gradually discover a style that feels uniquely yours. Embrace the freedom of expressing yourself through clothing and accessories in a way that feels authentic to you.
I´m thrilled to announce that Marimo has launched a new FW23/24 collection. It´s inspired by my story of creating my own style, it has the elements from different eras – from rock to royal and everything in between. Discover collection HERE.
Much love!
Mariliis Pikkar
Founder & Creative Director
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