My life can be incredibly demanding. Balancing a growing business with the needs of a family requires a level of focus and discipline that often seems unattainable. However, one thing has transformed the way I manage my responsibilities: my 5am morning routine.
You might wonder why I wake up so early. It's not just about following a trend or trying to appear more productive; it's a necessity. My morning routine is the foundation that helps me prioritize myself, allowing me to focus and accomplish critical tasks before the day starts.
The Quiet Moments Before the World Wakes Up
With three young children and a demanding job, finding silence at home is a rare luxury. To stay sharp and maintain my sanity, I wake up at 4:45 am, enjoying the quiet moments before the house becomes a whirlwind of activity. These early hours are precious - they provide me with the space to immerse myself fully in my tasks without interruptions.
I don't commit to a strict morning system, although I found inspiration in reading "The Miracle Morning" years ago. Instead, I prefer to vary my activities based on how I feel each morning. This flexibility allows me to start my day feeling grounded and focused. Here are some of the activities I fit into my mornings:
Completing One Work Task
Every morning, my first goal is to complete at least one important work task. Whether it’s sketching designs for a new collection, writing, or planning, I use this time to dive into work that requires deep concentration. Accomplishing a task before my kids wake up gives me a sense of achievement and enables me to be fully present with them when they start their day.

Physical Activity
Physical activity is non-negotiable in my routine. I follow a strict training plan, running at least four mornings a week, followed by strength training. Skipping a run leaves me feeling stressed and out of balance, so staying consistent is key. Running not only improves my mental and physical health but also provides me with clarity. It’s during these runs that I solve problems, set goals, and think through challenges. It’s an essential part of my routine that keeps me motivated and focused.

After my run, I treat myself to a bath. The calming effect of the water soothes my muscles and helps me relax. It’s a small ritual that promotes overall well-being and reduces stress. Sometimes, I even bring a book into the bath, combining relaxation with a bit of self-care.

As both an entrepreneur and a mom, I face new challenges every day, making continuous learning essential. I dedicate part of my morning to self-development, usually through reading. While I wish I could read more, I’m content with the progress I make, averaging 10 books a year. Reading during this quiet time fuels my creativity and helps me stay inspired, ready to tackle whatever the day brings.

Breakfast & Mom-Time
When my kids wake up, my focus shifts entirely to them. We start the day with a healthy breakfast, which we often prepare together. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me, and we take our time with it. This is a cherished moment where we connect and get ready for the day ahead, setting a positive tone for everyone.

Getting Ready for Work
By the time I’m ready for work, my day has already been three hours long. I prefer a natural look with minimal makeup, so getting ready doesn’t take much time. A light foundation, a bit of blush, and tinted eyelashes are enough to make me feel put together. As a minimalist who loves a well-thought-out wardrobe, choosing my outfit for the day takes no more than five minutes.
Once we’re all set, we wish each other a good day and say our goodbyes. My husband takes the kids to kindergarten, and I walk to work, using those 20 minutes to mentally review my daily plan.
This routine has been a game-changer for me, setting a positive and productive tone for the rest of the day. Without it I would be hard to keep a good work-life balance and find time for myself. I’m happy to share about my morning routine in this YouTube vlog!
With love & gratitude,
Founder & Designer
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